Monitoring of your Pregnancy

Obstetric Out-patients

In the field of obstetrics we provide appointments for antenatal women with back and pelvic pain.

Clients are taught self help techniques and are given posture and back care advice. They are taught stability exercises and are fitted with a back support if it is appropriate.


Working closely with the parentcraft midwife the physiotherapist holds classes for teaching coping techniques in labour using breathing and relaxation techniques.


Advice is also given on circulation, posture, massage and muscle re-education.



Babies with orthopaedic conditions such as foot problems, Erb's palsy or Klumpkes palsy are referred to the physiotherapist. Advice is given and exercises shown to the parents.


If necessary strapping and splinting is initiated for congenital foot problems.  Babies requiring a follow-up appointment are referred to the physiotherapist in the Alder Hey physiotherapy department or the Child Development Centre.


Obstetric In-patients

The maternity wards are visited daily by a physiotherapist. Midwives refer patients with such conditions as chest infections, urinary problems, bruised and painful perineums and pelvic and back problems.


Physios will carry out assessments and offer treatment appropriate to each clients needs.  A physiotherapy post-natal advice leaflet is available and is given to the clients by the midwife.  Babies born with orthopaedic conditions such as foot problems (talipes) are also assessed and treated. Any required follow-up treatment would be referred to the paediatric service.


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