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  Crown Street
Liverpool, L8 7SS
Tel: 0151 708 9988
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The Education Centre

The new Education Centre is planned to open in December 2004, will provide multiprofessional education and training facilities for all staff in the Trust, incorporating:
  • Lecture Theatre (100 seats maximum capacity) with state of the art audio visual equipment
  • Multiprofessional Library
  • I.T. Training Suite
  • 2 new Seminar Rooms
  • Clinical Skills Laboratory
  • Atrium Area (catering & exhibitions)
The Education Centre - Side Elevation The centre will build on our already excellent Teaching, Training and Conference Facilities as well as providing a large Multidisciplinary Library with 'quiet' space for reflection and study. It will incorporate a state of the art Information Technology suite and two extra seminar rooms for group Study.

This new amenity will help to ensure that Trust Staff continue to develop the skills and expertise needed to provide patients with the highest quality service.

Shut down of existing facilities: 5th January 2004
Completion Date: End of October, 2004
Installation of AV Equipment: November 2004
Open for Bookings: December 2004

The upgrade and re-location of existing facilities will enable multifunctional training facilities and improved Library Services for all staff.

New Facilities

Ground Floor

Atrium & Reception (16 casual seats and 3 tables)

Entrance and Reception linked to Postgraduate Studies Manager's office.  Atrium area designed to be used for catering and refreshment.  Also for exhibitions, displays which can be situated outside the lecture theatre.

Blair Bell Lecture Theatre (100 non fixed chairs) Ground Floor

Video Conferencing, fixed front projection screen for use with PowerPoint with remote mouse, TV and video player/DVD, Visualiser, whiteboard, flipcharts.

Clinical Skills Laboratory (small group teaching) Ground Floor

Plasma TV, video player, fixed laptop, 2 Resuscitaires, Laparoscopic teaching equipment, whiteboard and flipchart.

Seminar Room 1 (Ground Floor) - flexible seating for 35 and portable tables to design the room in various styles, including: small lecture, interview, board meeting and tutorials.

Plasma TV, video player, fixed laptop, whiteboard and flipchart.

First Floor

Library - full time Librarian

The Library will be accessible 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.  It will be staffed from 8.30am until 5.00pm.  Facilities include: 6 computers that have internet access and Microsoft packages for personal use, plus a networked printer, scanner and photocopier.  The Library subscribes to approximately 50 journals, with electronic access where available.  The Library book collection is available to lend, if we do not have books or journals which you may require, an interlibrary loan service is available.  Training sessions for literature searching are available.

Seminar Room 2 (flexible seating and portable table to design the room in various styles, including small lecture, interview, board meeting and tutorial)

Plasma TV, video player, fixed laptop, whiteboard and flipchart.

IT Training Room

12 networked computers and two printers.  LCD projector and screen.

Throughout the year Conferences and Symposia are organised by departments from within the Hospital, and by local and national organisations involved in the healthcare provision of women and babies.

Postgraduate Education

There are 2 clinical tutors who manage a significant study leave budget.

Professor AM Weindling, MD, FRCP - Neonates
Dr D Roberts, MBCHB, MRCOG - Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Mrs Debbie Sweeney - Postgraduate Studies Manager (debbie.sweeney@lwh-tr.nwest.nhs.uk

Nationally recognised courses for 

  • MRCOG part ii (twice a year - January and July - Debbie Sweeney)
  • Neonatal Life Support (3 times per year - Debbie Sweeney)
  • Diploma in Family Planning (5 times per year - Carmel Farrell)
  • Basic Surgical Skills (O&G) twice a year - Elaine Carden)
  • MOET (Managing Obstetric Emergencies Training) (twice a year - Sue Smith)
  • ALSO (Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics (once a year - Debbie Sweeney)

There are many other clinical and non-clinical courses organised locally within the Region by Mersey Deanery (www.merseydeanery.ac.uk) 

Educational Teaching Programmes

All junior doctors are allocated an identified Educational Supervisor (usually the Consultant they commence working for.  In training Assessments take place regularly and are followed up at the end of 6 month period with a Review of In Training Assessment (RITA).

The Obstetrics & Gynaecology Senior House Officers have 4 hours protected teaching which is made up of 1 hour protected time to attend the regular Research & Development Friday morning breakfast lectures (8am - 9am) and 3 hours Friday pm for clinical teaching.

The Neonatal junior doctors have a full programmed of teaching on Wednesday afternoons.

Library Services

At this present time the Library is situated on the 2nd floor opposite the RMU Department.  The Library is well stocked and includes Midwifery and Nursing, obstetrics and gynaecology together with Paediatric journals and books.  We also have undergraduate books in all of these specialities.  You must register as a Library User in order to gain a pass code 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  There are branch libraries around the Hospital in the Neonatal, Obstetric, Anaesthesia and Cytogenetics Departments. There is a photocopier available in the library.

If there is an article you require which is not available here, it may be possible to obtain it from outside sources such as www.aditus.nhs.uk 

The Librarian is part time (under review) and works -

Monday 1.30pm - 5.30pm
Tuesday 9am - 12.30pm
Wednesday 9am - 12.30pm
Thursday 9am - 5.30pm
Friday (not in attendance)
