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Liverpool Women's Hospital
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  Crown Street
Liverpool, L8 7SS
Tel: 0151 708 9988
Fax: 0151 702 4028

Education, Training and Development

The Trust was awarded Investor in People status in November 1999 and has since had a successful re-accreditation visit. This award constitutes a public acknowledgement of our commitment to continuous professional development for all staff.

Trust NVQ Centre
We have been an accredited NVQ Centre under the auspices of Edexcel since 1997. We offer Assessor Training, NVQ Care levels 2 & 3 and Customer Services level 2.

All new Health Care Assistants without level 2 in Care begin this qualification when they join us.

Staff who have attained level 3 in Health Care are given the opportunity to progress to further subsidised study leading to a professional qualification.

European Computer Driving Licence
We have been awarded British Computer Society Registration as a Training Centre for ECDL. This qualification is the recognised platform for IT skills within the NHS and builds confidence in the use of new technology. Staff can access this qualification through the Training Department.

NHS Individual Learning Accounts
Staff without a professional qualification are entitled to an NHS ILA of £150.00 which can be used to purchase a wide variety of external training courses. This can include Study Skills WEA courses which are run in-house.

Internal Events
We offer a wide range of internal training covering all risk management areas and personal and professional development. Contact the Training Department on x4062 to receive copies of the Prospectus for 2002/2003.

Staff have access to a selection of e-learning courses including IT to expert level, management and leadership areas, writing for business, presentation skills and customer care.