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  Crown Street
Liverpool, L8 7SS
Tel: 0151 708 9988
Fax: 0151 702 4028

Staff Support Services and Staff Benefits

The Trust is able to offer a wide range of staff support services and health at work initiatives.

Occupational Health Department
Provides pre-employment screening, immunisation/vaccination for hepatitis B, rubella, TB, polio, flu, health surveillance, investigates health problems and:

  • Physiotherapy - a fast track service for staff
  • Lifestyle Screening - this is a health check including blood pressure, cholesterol test, vision screening, weight, body fat
  • Exercise for Health - for staff who meet the criteria, a 12 week programme at a local sports centre

Counselling Service
A confidential self-referral service provided off site at a local Health Centre, for staff to talk through problems about home or work with a trained Counsellor.

Women's Health Clinic
An open access clinic for staff held once a week and includes cervical screening, pregnancy testing, contraception and advice.

Clinical Supervision
Participation is strongly encouraged but voluntary. Information sessions are provided for all participants. Staff are given an hour a month for supervision to take place. Matters raised include management, clinical, education and professional issues. Clinical supervision provides opportunities for reflection on clinical practice, advancement of skills and a vehicle for support.

Debriefing After a Critical Incident
Provides support and counselling to staff who have experienced a traumatic incident, available to individuals or groups of staff.

Effective Communication
This is an important issue for the Trust and is delivered through the monthly publications Team Brief and Staff Track together with internal memos and posters. Input from staff is encouraged through ward/department meetings, multi-disciplinary focus groups, Team Brief Feedback and the annual staff opinion survey. There is also an 'Eat & Meet' with the Chief Executive and Chairman which enables staff to raise issues/ask questions about the Trust.

Health at Work Programme

  • Keep-Fit Classes - Monday evening
  • Swimming Pass to the University Pool - has to be pre-booked
  • NHS Corporate Cup 5K Running Events - to promote health and fitness as well as team spirit! Staff are welcome to participate by running or walking.
  • Pilates - hour a week for 6-weeks, self-funded
  • Reflexology/Indian Head and Back, Neck & Shoulder Massage - weekly sessions, subsidised by the Trust.
  • Beauty Treatments for Staff - available by appointment on site
  • Yoga & Relaxation Classes - Tuesday evenings

Smoking Cessation
Groups regularly meet to support staff who need help to 'kick the habit'.

Improving Working Lives
The trust values its staff and recognises that many of them have to combine their working lives with the varying demands of home life. It is also recognised that different factors and life events face us all at different stages in our working lives. Therefore, as an employer, the Trust seeks to provide staff with all possible help.

Our policies reflect a commitment to the well being of staff and to the fostering of the very best working partnerships which strike the balance between work and private life.

Staff are actively involved in the trust's IWL initiative and are encouraged to join representative sub-groups helping to deliver:

  • Equality and Diversity
  • Communication
  • Flexible Working
  • Health at Work
  • Training and Development
  • Caring Responsibilities

Social Committee
An active social committee meets to plan events such as the annual ball held at St. George's Hall, together with popular quiz nights and Christmas party for the children of staff.

Staff Benefits Package
The Trust provides a pack of information on staff discounts operating around the City.

NHS Pension Scheme
All staff have the option to join the Pension Scheme. Comprehensive information available to all new starters. The Scheme provides:

  • a pension and tax free lump sum upon retirement
  • life assurance cover
  • voluntary early retirement benefits
  • ill-health retirement benefits
  • family benefits

Employment Policies
The trust has a range of employment policies to ensure consistency and fairness and to offer to support staff in balancing their work/home life. These policies include:

  • Bullying and Harassment at Work
  • Equality and Diversity
  • Long Service Awards
  • Retirement Awards
  • Induction: Introduction to the Trust
  • Flexible Retirements
  • Special Leave Policy Incorporating:
      Carers Leave
      Bereavement Leave
      Paternity Leave
      Adoption Leave
      Leave for Civic and Public Duties
  • Childcare
  • Career Break Scheme
  • Flexible Working (including Job Share)
  • Staff Involvement

Copies of policies are available on all Wards and Departments.