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 Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Trust    
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Liverpool Women's Hospital
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  Crown Street
Liverpool, L8 7SS
Tel: 0151 708 9988
Fax: 0151 702 4028

Recruitment - Job Vacancies

  • The Trust is committed to ensuring equality of employment opportunity for all applicants and opposes all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination.

  • The Trust welcomes applications from people with disabilities and we are able to provide assistance to ensure that disabled persons are given the opportunity to obtain employment. Any candidate with a disability who meets the minimum criteria for an advertised post will be shortlisted to attend interview.

  • The Trust employs a Disability Adviser who is available to discuss any special needs an applicant may have and has links via the Jobcentre Plus to the Access to Work scheme.

  • Job share is available together with flexible/ partime working .

  • The Trust advertises its vacancies as widely as possible in order to provide equality of opportunity in employment and positively welcomes applications from all sections of the community.

  • All vacancies are advertised through the Jobcentre as well as local newspapers.

  • An up-to-date job description and person specification is available providing information about the main duties and responsibilities and the qualifications and experience required. Should a Disclosure be a requirement for the post this will also be included.

All job vacancies for the Liverpool Women's Hospital can also be found on the NHS jobs site - click image to right. Applicants can apply on-line for the jobs they want.  There is also a "jobs by email" service to allow candidates to receive details of new jobs automatically.